During April-May 2020, to promote Corona Virus (Covid-19) Preventive Measure, there were campaigns being launched for community members to take precautions; such as washing hands thoroughly using soap and water, however, alcohol-based sanitizer was recommended in case there was no water and soap available. Such widely use of alcohol-based sanitizer caused supply to run short. Therefore, COERR deem it necessary to train the vulnerable and youth to prepare alcohol-based sanitizer so they can take the product home for their household consumption which help them to save money to buy, at the same time equip them with knowledge to make more sanitizer for income generation. In addition, there would be surplus of products for sharing with the needy vulnerable who were not able to participate in the training.
The goals of the trainings were to enable participants to realize the value of volunteering spirit of giving, as being givers, to strengthen relationship among displaced persons and eventually, to build safe and healthy communities in the temporary shelters, where trainings were held, i.e. Ban Mae La, Ban Umpiem and Ban Nupo Temporary Shelters in Tak Province. All trainings were organized in COERR Social Service Centers and Child Friendly Spaces, in these Temporary Shelters.
At Ban Mae La Shelter ”Saturday Activity” was held for children and youth about “Alcohol-based Hand Sanitizer Production at Zone B on May 12, 2020. There were 30 participants of 22 female and 8 male attending the training.

The second “Saturday Activity training of Alcohol-based Sanitizer” was held in Zone B and C on May 14, 2020 for 30 youth and children including 17 female and 13 male.

The 3rd training was “Peer Support for EVIs in Community” on hand wash liquid soap making, which was held in Zone A, on May 19, 2020 for 20 vulnerable persons of 18 female and 2 male.

The 4th training “Developing peer support for EVIs in community” on Production of Alcohol-based Hand Sanitizer was held at Zone B, on May 20, 2020 had 20 participants of 18 female and 2 male.

At Ban Umpiem Temporary Shelter a training in Alcohol-based Hand Sanitizer was held on May 18-21, 2020 for 50 young participants of 33 female and 17 male.

At Nupo Temporary Shelter “Developing Peer Support for EVIs in the Community” was organized on May 21, 2020, to enable the vulnerable and COERR camp-based refugee staff to produce Alcohol–based hand gel sanitizer for the EVIs. There were 20 participants, including 17 female and 3 male.

“Saturday Activities for Children” on Alcohol-based hand sanitizer Production for EVIs, was held on May 26-27, 2020, to raise the volunteering spirit of youth in helping others. There were 51 participants, including 37 female and 14 male.
